
Aubrey’s Story…..Love and Little bit of Naughtiness
I am a strong, sexy, powerful woman who leads an extraordinary life as a business owner, a designer, an erotic writer. I love passionately and deeply. I am independent and I know who I am. I follow my own path and and I work hard and chase what I believe in and I do it for myself. I live authentically and I have some amazing friends that listen to my sappy love stories and related heartache more than they probably want to hear. I’ve been hurt and played more times than I can count but I always bounce back. I believe that everything happens for a reason, every path or person we cross is meant to teach us something and I’ll see where this world takes me.

WyldeMagick’s Story…Heart Break and Evolution
I fell in love with a man that broke my heart into so many pieces that I will never be the same person as I was before. This is my journey of trying to find myself again without the people that felt like home, without the people I thought were my friends, without any help, without the man I love. A lot of what I write is directed to him, I don’t know if I think someday he may find this blog and understand the pain he put me through or if someday I may be willing to trust him again enough to show him this blog but for now, it’s pieces of me that I’m trying to fit back into my life and grow from this experience. I still love him but honestly I’m not sure if I should wait or just leave it alone. Every day is a struggle. I still cry thinking about everything that happened. Maybe when I can’t cry about it anymore, it will evolve into someone’s else story, like Aubrey has become Wylde.

This blog is about love, a little bit of naughtiness, probably going to be some heart-ache thrown around in here too, a journey of self-discovery